Information for Authors        Call for papers

Call for papers

UDA 2024 invites the submissions of original, unpublished research works that are currently not under review. We encourage work that introduces new ideas, concepts, interesting cases (both successes and failures), and research related to the conference theme and topics.

*The papers must be previously unpublished, however, those which are the reorganization of published papers with independent and complete findings may be submitted, but only if these copyrights are clear.

  Conference Theme
Future Cities: Transforming Urban Future in Asia

  Topical Areas
Track 1: Future Cities
Track 2: Urban Design
Track 3: Urban Sustainability
Track 4: Urban Regeneration

  Important Schedule
Abstract Submission Deadline February 19, 2024
Decision Notification February 26, 2024
Final paper Submission Deadline April 12, 2024
Presentation File submission Deadline April 17, 2024
Registration Due (for audience) April 17, 2024
Conference Dates April 19, 2024